Friday, May 30, 2008

In Praise of Socks.

There are many aspects of life that have become so routine that we as a culture, and as a species tend to overlook the value that they afford. I have often mentioned the ubiquitous sun, moon, stars~*, and rain, but there are a myriad of other examples that prove to be equally as powerful. Today, I will focus on those which provide protection, warmth, security, support, solace, and offer a medium for self-expression as "God shuffles His feet." I am referring to, SOCKS of course.

Socks are present in a seemingly unlimited variety of sizes, styles, colors, and designs. They provide warmth from the cold, and protection (from blisters and the harsh terrain of the world) in the heat. they are indispensable to the human race, but to most people socks are an invisible and under-appreciated constituent of their daily routines. Commonly, socks are treated as the second-class citizens of our wardrobes. They are mixed, matched, lost, forgotten, ripped, sewed, stepped on, used as cleaning devices, and completely overlooked. It is difficult to argue with the sentiment that putting on socks which are immediately retrieved from the dryer on a bleak winter's night could end wars, quash suffering, inspire epics, or manifest smiles (just to name a few).

I have often noted that there are so many roads in life that lead us to our eventual destinations. Our lives are defined by the journeys we take along these roads. During the vast majority of these journeys it is our feet that lead the way and the socks upon those feet that carry us "home."

I am sure that George Washington was wearing socks when he traversed the cold New Jersey terrain en route to his headquarters in Morristown. I would bet that Thomas Jefferson was wearing socks (mostly) when he penned the Declaration of Independence. I might even venture a guess to say that Julius Caesar had his Roman feet clothed in somewhat of a stocking when he and his army crossed the Rubicon: "Alia Iacta [Sockus]" (he could not wear sandals all the time?). Mick Jagger most likely wore socks as he rocked the world over (albeit ugly socks, and sometimes socks may have been the ONLY article of clothing he was wearing). Perhaps if brave Achilles was wearing a supportive pair of tube socks (undoubtedly as his mother lovingly reminded him) his infamous heel may have been spared. As Shakespeare sat by the fire eternally conveying Romeo's dying love for Juliet (and forever changing man/womankind's perspective on love) I am sure that socks warmed his feet and his heart~* Finally, when King Richard the Lion-Hearted marched his army out of the Holy Land during the 4th Crusade only to later return in search of the crucifix upon which Jesus Christ had died, it was most definately because he forgot his socks at HOME!

I love my socks. My new socks, my old socks, my tall socks, my short socks, my socks with holes (skylights for my toes), my socks with white seams, my socks with red seams, my socks with designs, my plain old white socks, EVEN my electric socks. WHen i was born the first article of clothes that adorned my fragile premature body was a pair of tiny, blue socks. When I die, they will have to remove a pair of socks from my clinging feet. As "I walk through the valley of the shadow of death" it is my humble and supreme wish that I am wearing socks, but not wet socks, I HATE WET SOCKS!

So this post is dedicated to socks all over the world! Thank you for all that you do! Everyone appreciates you, even if they do not acknowledge it. Although you are always down around my feet, I will always look UP to you!!!

1 comment:

- said...

i like how this one broke the mood up.