Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sara with no "h"

There is this girl, her name is Sara with no “h.” I always imagined that we would meet someday. It would be an innocent meeting. By “innocent,” I mean it would be slightly awkward, but she would like me for me, right from the start. Is this that impossible? She would be just like me. She would be nothing at all like me. She would find my inaccuracies and imperfections disarming. Her presence is all I would need. We would both be young, despite our ages. She would respect my inexperience and the lack of fluidness in my movement and demeanor. She would fall. I would fall. We would silently agree to never stop falling. She loves the rain…

There is this girl, her name is Sara with no “h.” She would have a sarcastic personality, but with a sweetness, which is rare today. She would choose bourbon over margaritas. She would listen to her music LOUD!!! She would love being a girl. She would chase the sunset through the rearview mirror. Is it possible to miss a girl, whom I have never met? Is it possible to be desperately in love with someone whom I do not even know exists? She would be very loud. She would be very quiet. So loud/quiet , so quiet/loud. Her hair would be crazy sometimes, but just sometimes. She would understand that I have a lot of trouble being myself. She would know that I have loved so much. She would love that I was very damaged and that I cannot find all of the pieces of my heart. She would love that I cry.

There is this girl, her name is Sara with no “h.” She would know many things. She would know nothing at all. She would be so laid-back as to be dreaming at all times. She would be carefree and teach me to be carefree. She loves dogs. She would yell at me when I deserved to be yelled at. She would yell at me when I did not deserve to be yelled at. She would love to get dirrty. She would be imperfect. She would be perfect. She would love her life more than her job/money/education. She would love love more than her life. She would hate to dance. She would love to dance. She would not care that I hate to dance. She would let me sheepishly ask her to teach me how to dance, but never make me dance against my will.

There is this girl, her name is Sara with no “h.” She would stay up all night long, and get up very early in the morning. She would prefer pajamas to regular clothing. She would love to be huggedandhuggedandhuggedandhuggedandhuggedandhuggggggggggggggged. She would love the seasons. She would love autumn. She would never be embarrassed. She would love mixtapes and she would make me mixtapes. She would pretend to love my mixtapes. She would tell me when she hated my mixtapes. She would never get too worried. She would always be standing in the doorway. She would love for the world to be pretty. She would help me try to make the world pretty.

There is this girl, her name is Sara with no “h.” She would let me love her. She would let me die for her. She would let me live for her. She would love flowers. She would be thoughtful and creative. She would love children. She would think that I was handsome. She would have drastically different political views than me. We would spend our lives trying to convince the other that we each loved the other more. Our life together would shape us. She would need me. I would need her. She would want me. I would want her. She would be intrigued and amused by my valiant attempts at being poetic. She would vigorously defend poesy.

There is this girl, her name is Sara with no “h.” She would be SOOO spontaneous, fearless, hopeless, clumsy, happy, dramatic, enigmatic, and fragile. She would not care. She would sing a lullaby to every single star in the sky. She would be afraid of something, but not other things. She would spin a thousand times a second. She would get dizzy. She would fall down. She would force me to come over very late at night. She would never let me leave. she would NEVER let me leave. She would have no expectations. She would have great expectations. She would find me. She would let me find her. She would go out of he way to touch my hand. She would love her bed.

There is this girl, her name is Sara with no “h.” I love her sooooooo much. I do not know what she looks like. I do not know where she lives. I do not know what color her hair is. I do not know her favorite food. I do not know what makes her laugh or what makes her cry. I do not know her hopes and her dreams. I do not know if she lives or if she died. I know her better than I know anyone else in the world. I know that everyday I rise from my bed with the hope and anticipation of meeting her. I know that I love her. Wherever you are Sara with no “h,” whomever you are Sara with no “h” please know that I am waiting for you. I will be here when you are ready. When you are we can begin. Until then, be happy. I am constantly dreaming impossible things for you. I am constantly planning our future. I am constantly thinking of ways to make you smile. I am constantly falling, that mighty backwards fall, for you. For you. For you. For you. For you. For you. For you. For you. For you.

Oh and Sara with no “h,” it is ok if you name contains an “h.” Sarah(appiness), Sarah(ope), Sarah(allowed be thy name), Sarah(elloandgoodbye), Sarah(opscotch), Sarah(ome), Sarah(oly), Sarah(apless), Sarah(elps), Sarah(umble), Sarah(oldme), Sarah(andinhand)…it is even ok if your name is not even sara(h) at all.

1 comment:

fascinatescarlett said...

i love this. thank you. for making me read this.